Thursday, April 5, 2012

New Kid in Town

What's up? The name's Jasmine, AKA CinderScoria. For those of you wondering, Cinder and Scoria are two names of the same rock-- you know, that really pretty red one with the holes in it you can usually find on the side of driveways in those rock piles? Anywho, my good friend Pink, AKA Annika, AKA PR Golden has this epic blog, Writing Beyond the Moon, that inspired me to make my own blog. Obviously, I'm kinda really new at it, so if you could, like, not laugh, that'd be great. *beams*
What can I tell you about me... I'm a writer and a reader, as you can (hopefully) tell by my header. I will read everything but Stephen King and romance. I like my happy endings, thank you very much, and as for romance... I'll believe it when I see it. You can find the books I've written and/or are working on in the My Books tab at the top. I'm also an avid music lover. I can play the piano and I am re-learning how to play guitar, aaand I sing. Naturally. I listen to all genres of music, although my favorites are probably old school R&B and country. Yep, I'm weird. Also, crazy! I'm very proud of being crazy, too!

I'll give this blogging thing a go, since I do write TONS and I talk even more. Hope you enjoyed this tidbit! Till next time, happy writing, everyone!

~ Cinder

1 comment:

  1. Cinder! *hugs* It's Avvie.:)
    Welcome to blogger, and thanks for putting my blog in the scroller.
